HR Performance Metrics: Think Strategically, Build Alliances!

Courses: Supervision, Management, Leadership
  • Course:HR Performance Metrics: Think Strategically, Build Alliances!
  • Course ID:HRMET Duration:2 days Where: Your Office (7+ Persons)
  • Available as a private, customized course for your group at your offices or ours and in some cases as a WebLive(TM) class.

  • Download Course Description (PDF)

Course Outline

  • Introduction to Measurement and Metrics
  • The Four Components of Metrics That Create Accountability
  • Linking Metrics to Clients’ Business Plan
    • Employee and labor relations metrics:  What to measure and how to use the results
    • EEO and diversity metrics:  Don’t just measure complaints or activities but how your involvement is improving performance
    • Workforce retention (an area for all HR professionals)
    • Recruiting talent (it’s so much more than numbers of applicants)
    • Benefit plans (developing metrics when costs are rising)
    • Compensation:  Metrics for market competitiveness, internal equity and performance recognition
    • Training:  Metrics that demonstrate how it improves participant and organizational performance
    • Information systems and documentation:  Measuring intrinsic value
  • Benchmarking and Other Methods to Determine Realistic Targets
  • Covering the Bases
    • Organizational metrics
    • Process metrics
    • Individual level metrics
    • Process vs. outcome metrics
  • The Human Performance Improvement Model and Ensuring Metrics Create One Plan and One Voice for Clients
  • Consulting and Partnering as a Process
  • Creating a Plan for Communicating Metrics and Setting Accountability That Creates Trusted Allies
  • Putting It All Together: Metrics, HPI and Creating an HR Business Plan
  • Course Wrap Up



Course Overview

Course in a Nutshell

We often hear the words “HR Consultant” and “Partner” but as an HR professional how can you be sure that you are meeting your clients’ needs (even when the client does not know what he/she needs)? And how do you balance the need for responsive customer service with supporting the organization strategically? It becomes easy to meet client and organizational needs and demonstrate the improvement in client performance when the HR professional sets and attains measurable goals that are linked to business initiatives and strategic plans.  Setting and communicating metrics, a significant component of the HPI (Human Performance Improvement) process, not only guides the HR professional to become more effective, it gives credibility to the HR role, demonstrates the measurable value it adds, and helps educate the clients so they can better understand what they really need and when the HR professional has satisfied their needs.

This course gives HR professionals and managers the skills and tools to design measurable objectives and set expectations in partnership with business units.  You will learn how to develop and communicate outcome-oriented goals, initiate a consulting process to support the attainment of goals, and using the HPI process, you will learn how to design goals that are not only measurable but also linked directly to the client’s performance and to organizational performance.


Customize It!

Customize this course at little-to-no additional expense to your specific needs. This program can be conducted as a skill-based course or can be facilitated using action learning where participants bring their specific responsibility lists, annual goals, and job descriptions to the class.  Using those documents, they develop specific metrics which they can bring back to work and begin using right after the class.  These metrics will be combined with other participants’ metrics from the same department to create the core components of an HR business plan.  HR partnering, consulting, and HPI skills will also be covered in this customized program.

For HR groups of more than 20, we recommend splitting the group for the first day so that during the skill/practice segment of the course, participants receive more individual instruction.  For the second day, all participants should be together so that the interconnectedness between HR functions can be discussed and the metrics component of a comprehensive HR business plan is developed.


Learn How To

  • Develop metrics that are tangible and measurable
  • Create outcome-oriented goals that link department objectives and client performance
  • Design goals that meet high level strategic needs and individual department requests
  • Follow a consulting process to support specific performance expectations of clients and their departments and in turn help the client determine their true business needs
  • Design metrics at all three levels: organizational, process, and individual client levels
  • Develop a partnering and consulting process using metrics which creates clarity for clients and accountability for all stakeholders
  • Recognize the difference between process metrics and outcome metrics and use each effectively
  • Use a quick and easy way to test if what you are measuring is truly important (e.g., the impact of training vs.  numbers of participants registered for training)
  • Recognize how metrics fit into the broader HPI model and create a plan to work collaboratively with other HR professionals so that metrics from all service providers create a cohesive plan for the clients


Audience / Prerequisites

Aimed At

Human Resources (HR) professionals and managers who wish to acquire the tools and skills to create metrics for HR functions and services,  build strategic alliances with the business units and organizational leadership, and gain recognition as valued business partners by their clients and senior management.


